Tag Archives: planning & architecture

Construction Machinery Roller With Ideal Dimensions For Use In Road Construction

Advantages of vibrating roller RD 16 from WACKER Neuson Munich. -The RD of 16 from WACKER Neuson with a drum width of 90 or 100 cm, is optimized for compaction work in areas that are unzugagnlich for larger rolls. Due to its high manoeuvrability and its compact design it is ideal for dimensionally accurate works in road construction, especially for sidewalk work. In addition it boasts an ergonomic design and a high compression efficiency. “The RD 16-100 is extremely stable and secure tipping with their 100 cm wide bandages. Due to its high manoeuvrability and its compact design it is ideal for tasks, involving confined spaces such as parking lots, driveways and side stripes or curbs must be maneuvered”, explains Oliver Kolmar, product manager soil and asphalt compaction at WACKER Neuson.

While mastering the roller of soil compaction tasks as well as the compaction of base and topcoats. The force of the powerful, water-cooled Lombardini engine is of the double drum drive in implemented optimal traction. With either one or two vibrating bandages, the RD achieved 16 very good compression performance. During the processing of asphalt, the pressure-powered sprinkler system with a reliable flow of water supports the productivity of the RD of 16. An eight-level setting allows you to adjust the water flow to the type of asphalt. The ergonomic design and the clearly laid out controls of the RD 16 ensures ease of use and pleasant handling. So is the server platform of both variants pational and prevents fatigue of the operator in conjunction with the ergonomic seat. The design of the machine with its sides sloping hood and high seating position ensures good visibility in all directions. As the only machine in its class, the two RD 16 variants have standard work lights, making it ready for use even in conditions of poor visibility or in the dark. For more information, see: trench roller and tags/construction machinery

Plank Flooring

Natural substances in line with the trend of the next step in the development of the House was the renovation of the Room in the spring of 2007. Charming, down-to-Earth luxury of the rooms should be worked out even more clearly and quite discreetly integrated modern technology so the requirements of the hotel to the architects. A new, but related idea was to use wood floors made of real wood, for Interalpen, had moved only carpeted floors. The turn toward natural materials is a general trend of the times”, says Wohlfarth. In addition, the architect, real wood, is a high quality and honest material, that insert themselves in the elegant, yet rustic ambience of the hotel. “Gunter Voigt, sales and marketing manager of the Interalpen, added: the guests so we wanted to offer an alternative, that belongs to the service idea of a five-star hotel.” Another factor was the respect for people with allergies, which gains more and more importance in the design of the hotel. As a partner for the conversion, the Interalpen won the Bavarian Wimmer GmbH.

The company chose a name as an expert in the ornate wooden ceiling already years ago Made wood design for the premium segment and manufactures the most expensive Plank Flooring on the market. The peculiarity of their floorboards is meters, which makes it possible, in its impressive length of five to ten to lay over a whole room length. Instead of a piece of work from shocks, as it is short finished floors, the entire image of wood, grain and staining spreads here. Since the whole diameter of the tree trunk is used in the manufacture of boards, each sheet Gets a different width. When laying, an irregular interaction arises from narrower and wider planks, the traditional face of historic floors, as they can be found today in castles or estates.

Thermal Insulation Is Redundant With Thick Walls Closing The Myth

Thermal insulation for thick walls make sense Marktredwitz also thick walls need heat insulation. The elephant knows that. Without it freezes down to the ass in the truest sense of the word. House – and apartment walls applies therefore: not their thickness, but whose structure decides the insulating capacity. Modern insulation with rear MultiTherm is so not superfluous. On the contrary, it helps save heating costs and ensures a pleasant room climate. Thermal insulation: real-estate rear MultiTherm allow EIFS living profit for new buildings of lower wall thicknesses.

Here an example: A 10 centimeter-thick insulating material from Stern MultiTherm has the same insulation capacity as a 145 cm thick wall of solid bricks. The thermal insulation is therefore 14,5-fach efficient in comparison. Compared to normal concrete, thermal insulation of rear MultiTherm is more efficient even 52 times. Thermal insulation: Better than thick castle walls already Felix Karo managed barely,. his freezing damsel of the castle to warm. The thick castle walls cooled warmed much too slow in the spring. Kunibert was able to only dream of warm hours. For this reason, there were chairs with high backs, only in the middle ages.

You prevented that it moved the Castle inhabitants while sitting cold in your neck. It has fortunately nothing to do with today’s building physics. Modern thermal insulation works quite differently and does much more. Thermal insulation: Hochintelligenter sports suit for each House current multifunction sportswear transported sweat, snow and rain from the body. Fully-drawn, heavy and wet clothing belongs to the past. Modern rear MultiTherm heat insulation creates the same effect. With her owns each House the well-being feeling clothing adapted to all weather conditions. Real estate equipped with modern insulation thank their owners with longer service life, better well-being of residents and significantly reduced heating costs. Is thermal insulation unnecessary for thick walls? An end to this myth of the insulation. More information can be found on. The unveiling of the 5 insulation myth takes place on January 1, 2010. In total, six insulation myths be dissolved and refuted, to dispel unfounded prejudices. Company profile the BASF Wall Systems GmbH & co. KG has its two brands Rajasil building renovation and rear MultiTherm is one of the leading manufacturers of special materials for building renovation and thermal insulation systems. BASF wall systems based in Marktredwitz is already over 100 years on the active market. As a company of the BASF Group, BASF wall system with about 200 employees is part of the leading chemical company in the world. In the modern fully automatic production systems of BASF wall system are mineral ready-mixed dry mortars as well as to permanently store valuable historical building substance produces specialty building materials but also for new building projects. The product range includes masonry, truss, facade and stone restoration Bottom and finishing coats as well as painting and EIFS. Press contact BASF Wall Systems GmbH & co.

The company ten Brinke realized in Kettwig housing a construction project of a special kind. Kettwig 19.04.2012. Citizens wondering for some time what it labeled here is what”at the shop on the ring road. In the rooms at the Central Kettwiger traffic intersection of Ruhr Valley Road, main street and Graf-Zeppelin-Strasse an own information and Marketing Office Open housing ten Brinke soon for his construction projects on the Ruhr. The modern office coffee shop will act in the next few years as a meeting place for all those interested. Ten Brinke housing has Markmann & minor acquired land. Rather than a snapshot, the company has designed a lot of value to realize a building project that is aligned and actually need-oriented planned to man and nature. In close cooperation with the city and creative partners, an innovative design concept for the cream plot on the Ruhr is currently created by ten Brinke.

We look forward soon “to be able to introduce the citizens our ideas and are sure to provide a streamlined on the legs that will delight all”, so Sylvia Reddmann, authorized representative ten Brinke Wohnungsbau GmbH & co. KG. What is planned, still will not give the company. But is that a loose construction is realized with exclusive detached houses, semi-detached houses, townhouses as apartments for all age structures here. Ten Brinke is committed to, to create a natural, high-quality and decent Ruhr home that is closely based on the needs of new and old residents for future residents on this site the goal as a real estate company. The preparing and the development are currently prepared and planned. Target is to start implementing in the summer months. It will be so curious: here what’s happening!