Tag Archives: industry

Alternative Heating

At the present time, heating is an integral part in building. The choice of heating system – a difficult task. At the moment the market of heating systems there are many different systems for heating. One of the alternative heating systems, the latest is the vortex heat. Vortex teplogenetatory have many advantages over other forms of heating. The main advantages of the VHG is: Efficiency, safety, reliability, ease of use. Consider these qualities more: Cost-effectiveness.

Does not require laying of heating and gas networks, which can significantly save on installation of heating system. Security. Vortex heat eliminates the use of harmful to the environment real, such as gas, coal, firewood, diesel fuel. Is a possibility of fire and explosion. Reliability. The service life of the vortex boiler over 10 years.

Easy installation and maintenance. To install the VHG does not require special facilities. It can be installed in any convenient place. Management unit shall automatically management. You do not need training. One more important advantage – there is no need for harmonization of the installation, as energy is used to rotate the engine, and not to heat the coolant. Vortex heat generator can be used for heating, hot water, heating, process liquids, heating oil, water disinfection in swimming pools and other needs. Another type of alternative heating is UNZH (Device heating liquid). This unique facility is designed for use in autonomous networks, heating, hot water and processes associated with heating of the intermediate coolant. The heater is equipped with automatic control and management. The main advantage UNZH – quiet. Liquid heating device has no motor, used brand new heating system coolant. Works with any liquid coolant. Advantages UNZH: ELECTRICAL (Certified to Class 2 Electrical) FIRE (temperature of the housing does not exceed 120 C) LIFE (term service for over 30 years) PRODUCTIVITY (has high power factor 0.99 USD) SEVERABILITY EASY MAINTENANCE

Construction Pipe

In Russia, market spiralnovityh pipes made of polyethylene (PE) with a diameter of more than 600 mm (large diameter) is only a stage in its development. The main area of use of these plastic tubes are sewer (Gravity, storm sewer) and drainage systems. So far, the construction of sewerage and drainage systems are used, cast iron, asbestos cement, concrete, reinforced concrete and ceramic tiles. Polyethylene large-diameter pipes with difficulty penetrating the market of sewerage and drainage systems, while in Russia there spiralnovitye pipe. Spiralnovitye pipes made from various grades of polyethylene, PE 80, 63. The main materials are polyethylene grades 63, applied for the technical plumbing. What are the technical and operational characteristics of this type of plastic pipe can hope to conquer the market and sewer drainage systems of large diameter? Spiralnovitaya polyethylene pipe is formed by winding a hollow profile of rectangular cross section, welded between the turns of the extruder (hence the name pipes – spiralnovitaya).

The geometric shape of the profile wall pipe provides a high resistance to deformation, which allows broad in seismically active areas. As a rule, spiralnovitye polyethylene pipes are available in two Class ring stiffness – S4 and S8, where the numbers indicated accordingly stiffness 0.05 and 0.08 kg / cm. This allows you to change the depth of the pipes when they are such an underground installation. Technology of production of plastic pipes spiralnovityh possible to solve the fundamental problem of large-diameter polyethylene pipe, which will in the near future to press the other types of pipes (and some entirely replace) for sewerage and drainage systems – is a significant decrease in the mass of the tube at high rates of ring stiffness. Spiralnovitye polyethylene pipes is much smaller in mass (1 lm) than their counterparts from other types of materials, or of the same materials, but made by other technologies. Such design concept allowed the plastic pipe to make a big breakthrough in the development of sewerage systems market in Russia. After downsizing the pipe not only reduces the time installation, its complexity, but also the cost of the entire system of pipes spiralnovityh in comparison with other types of plastic pipe sewer. All these advantages spiralnovityh polyethylene pipes have resulted in recent years only the growth of market consumption of these products, but also the interest of domestic construction companies who are going to actively promote the use of spiralnovityh pipes.

Insulating Homes

A rare happy owner of a private house, cottages, cottage or apartment is thinking about winter, the beautiful, warm summer day. And when it's cold season and the battery barely warm to the touch and you have to wrap up in wool sweaters, constantly drive electric heaters. In such cases, only the dream of a warm summer. Should I suffer? In order to keep warm in winter and make the house really warm – we need decisive action. Necessary adjust heating. You can start to change old batteries were killed, the installation of modern radiator. Such measures are relevant to residents of various cities: Ekaterinburg, Tyumen, Moscow, Vladivostok, and so on, any points in Russia.

Where begin, you ask? How to choose a reliable radiator? Radiator – is a household appliance, which circulates heated to a certain temperature heat transfer fluid (water or antifreeze). The design of radiators provides efficient transfer of heat from the coolant in the radiators heated pomeschenie.Tipy According to the method of heat transfer in a heated room heaters are divided into three types: radiation, convective-radiative and convective. Radiation type heaters transfer heat by radiation (radiation). For example, ceiling heaters, sectional cast iron radiators, tubular radiators. Instruments convective-radiative type provide heating of the room by radiation and convection in roughly equal proportions. To this type belong sectional aluminum radiators, steel radiators sectional, Bimetal radiators, heaters, tubular heaters. By convection heaters tipado 90% are those that are the bulk of its heat into the surrounding room transfer by convection, ie Air Circulation bottom-up through a heated finned surface of the device.

Polyelectrolyte MIC

PKN device intended to determine the coefficient of swelling clays. During the development of deposits of clay can change its volume and thereby significantly affect the recovery. Clay productive reservoirs in the mostly composed of kaolinite, montmorillonite and hydromica minerals, which have different swelling. One of the important requirements for the reagent used for injection to increase recovery is the reduction of swelling clays or completely prevent it. To determine the swelling of the clay used a special device KNP-2. Specifications: Corrosion-resistant housing. Scale indicator: 0.01 mm Working stroke indicator: 11.5 mm Overall dimensions: 65h85h415 Weight, kg: 0.7 Products supplied include: device KNP-2 manual. 'Chemical' – a wide range of chemical products, equipment and appliances.

Chemical products for industrial and laboratory supplies, organic and inorganic acids and bases, salts with organic and inorganic acids, organic solvents, indicators. The equipment necessary for full functioning of a modern laboratory equipment for nefteanaliza, chromatographic and electrochemical analysis, equipment to analyze the physical and chemical parameters for any media, as well as ancillary laboratory equipment for sampling and sample preparation, weighing equipment, thermostat and heating equipment, mixing devices, electrical laboratory equipment. Hydrometer ADB-1, EBE-2 Viscometer, Cone spreadability of the CD-1, CTC Laboratory LGR-3 mixer LMR-1, OM-Drain 2, pycnometer P-1, instrument Vick, BM-6, SVC-01, KC 3, KC-5, SNS-2, Stalagmometr ST-1, KNP-2 device, cylinder stability CA-2. NTF-acid-OEDF acid, lime, borax, 5 water, 10 water, Mel, caustic soda technical, Polyelectrolyte MIC-402 and Silica gel IBC, KSKG, SHSMG, Sulfatsell-2 Sulfonol, Activated carbon, Mud powder, barite, dolomite weighting, CSSC, Neonol, saponified tall pitch VPRG reagent (dry hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile) Reapon, Sial, FHLS-M, GL-1 Graphite, Graphite lubricants, greases, thread and surfactant consignment note PKD-515, OT Wetting -7, OP-10, Penta-465, CMC, PAC-B, PAC-N SNPH, corrosion inhibitor Vikor.