Tag Archives: history

Homeric Odysseys

The main heroes of this story, each with different circumstances, they returned to their homelands after meeting the recommendation was the ghost of Achilles: The sacrifice of Polyxena, the Trojan princess, the youngest child of the marriage between Hecuba and King Priam. All major Greek militia leaders (Idomeneo, Neoptolomeo, son of Achilles, among others) returned to their land. Expert on growth strategy can aid you in your search for knowledge. King Menelaus brought back home to the beautiful Helen, who despite the years, was irresistible. Aeneas, another leader, was finally settled in Italy where his descendants Romulus and Remus, would found Rome. Only Odysseus, the most notable surviving hero of all, he could not return, cursed by the gods for their lack of humility and genius. The adventure of Odysseus to return to their land, (where his wife Penelope waited and his son Telemachus) would be the substrate of another great story of Homer: The Odyssey. An indomitable adventurer Heinrich Schliemann So far, the magical story Aegean oral tradition has bequeathed us.

Homer, if it really existed, left us a moving and epic story that excites, envelopes, subdues, but clearly, it is unreal. However, the legends and all that made me come to us from the past, have provided a truthful side. Time and hard work have been commissioned to unravel the mystery. In that sense, one like the great Heinrich Schliemann (1822 – 1890), who influenced by Hellenic stories he heard as a child, purchased and excavated in 1870 the legendary hill of Hissarlik (Turkey), where pundits claimed that he was ever Troy. .

Public Buildings

At the beginning much money was not had, but the will to cultivate the land and to construct wealth was very great. Even in 1590 middle, much of the inventories did not pass of fathoms of lands and slaves. J for 1642 return, is started to observe the evolution of the socumentos, already being cited houses in roas, animals and good in the headquarters of the town. but, in severity, it does not have reason for expanto. That valley the land without people populate that it and use to advantage? What it lacks to the natives of So Paulo is not soil, there is, uncultivated and immense, the wait of they fecunde.faltam who it, yes, the tool, the clothes, everything how much the colony not to produce still and has to come, through obstacles without account, of the distant metropolis. (p 1221) This dependence makes with that the life is very difficult and with little quality of life. Who did not have land was difficult to get it, what the phenomenon of the feudal property was observed delayed and. The POVOAMENTO For return of century XVI, the paulistano povoamento is well modest and enters situated in way the streets and houses, without numerical or nomeclatural organization.

Any negotiation of purchase and sales was done in public square and with references made through the neighborhood or some public or religious building. These references proceed until the years of 1780. without many modifications in agreement quotation documentation of that period. In the question of the housing, it is started with small huts and go being modified throughout the centuries. In the measure that the So Paulo ones go producing its substances cousins, the houses go receiving roofing tiles, bricks, doors and windows. the valuation of lands goes gaining more force. The SMALL FARM OF the ROA the urban life was not accurately one way used in the initial centuries of the settling.

Magalhes School

In the stories on the history of life of the pupils of Cheap the Magalhes School, it more still increases the reflection of the importance of the paper of the School who we want for our life. In all the arguments of its histories of life have its dreams, its objectives; what more they persist is the profession. We can perceive that it has concern with regard to the professional qualification, all want a school that can prepare them for the life. Most interesting it is the vision that these young already has of the society that they are part; what they think of this society that we have, of this school that we want, porque' ' It does not have right to the life, to the freedom and to the security, it does not have equality front to the law or right to the had process, without right to the work, the health, the education, to a minimum wage, the feeding, the housing and a significant level of life and vice versa, for a simple reason: the set of these rights has the same purpose: dignity humana.' ' In thematic ' ' The School as I begin of vida' ' versions important confide to relate a history to the other, since my history of life is not different of histories of life of the educandos. Everything started in the agricultural zone, in the school simplesinha with little structure, professors still without qualification.

But the dream to have a profession always said high more. All part of one I begin, starting for the history of our antecedents, and everything justifies for the questionings: Who we are? Of where we came? What we make? What we want? The construction of knowing and the communication to them contribute for this formation; in the socioeconmica life, cultural and politician. Our school today tries to fulfill to the paper politician to participate in the social transformation.