The herbaceous vegetation of characteristic pioneer who found propitious physical conditions to its development observes itself that the vegetation this installed in the spaces, where the ground not this compact for the action human being. The poles destined for public illumination are made use of correct form leaving a space between the trees; the energy distribution is made by the company Energisa supplying energy all the houses for equal. A species of structure was constructed in the front of all the constructions sheltering two boxes with light measurers. The basic services offered the street are: the pruning of the trees and the garbage collection that is only made weekly, then the garbage if accumulates in the containers offering contamination risk the inhabitants, the cause of the slowness of this service is type of used vehicle a wagon with animal traction. The constructions possess boxes d' water that is supplied by the tubing installed for the Cagepa. The locality does not possess exhaustion bathroom; as alternative they are constructed fossas septic in the land next to each habitation. Another aspect that is necessary to point out is the presence of receiving antennas of known television channels ' ' parablicas' ' , that they reflect the popularizao of the ways of access to the communication, using technologies of accessible cost to the classrooms lowest. The relation that the man has with its housing is express for Blacksmith (2009, P.
108), in the following affirmation: ' ' The habitation, as well necessary, mentions an object to it that possesss utility for homem' ' , they can be constructed by the proper proprietor, bought or exactly received through donation. Being related directly the economic conditions of the population being, ' ' The form most visible of differentiations of classrooms, in espao' ' (BLACKSMITH; 2009 P. 109). The planned periphery or does not shelter a population in its low-level majority of economic instruction and.