expression, description, poetry, prose, essay, chronic And it seems there are no genres, but as reference and context of various texts or their Combinatorics in reality themselves random and fragmented, culled from the places that define them in the background with great aperceptivo effort, by imposing accepted and agreed frameworks and boundaries, styles and expressions, hierarchies and permissions adjustments that underpin institutional needs on which fragments that somehow made wear them and corrode to parasitize them sadists artifacts that reality sought our mothers of 71 to 89, approximately-: hiper-ruidosos seam monsters; aurikas; Radio zajonofobicos (removed subtalleres core); blades sputnik that suppress the calluses, etc.: sculpted las-discales, hemorrhoid, cystitis, dandruffs – and other bypasses. (Highlight the thinking). objective, subjective, one, many the same poem or textual intention presented as a poem, or series of poems because finally this book is presented as a book of poems to a contest, solid fortress of the maintenance and safeguarding of a status quo that now does seem sometimes and momentarily to go to finish and short term only under what we hope readers can be assumed as being the voice of an individual, Monad, person even if it is only a mask under what we know already before Board can establish these conflicting dualities prior text simultaneously and destroy in his succession combinatorics, then because we cannot arrive and settle as well as so in the midst of this remnant of universe we deployed because it announces and deny those basic categories. But under that same prior knowledge, assumptions and presuppositions, it is that the fact to accommodate those elements distorted in the linearity of successions which constitute the text, which does not begin or end in the strict sense implicitly suggests an alternative frieze that stretches before and after his appearance poetry one and two poetry thus operates as threateningthe attempt this book contextualises because there are two moments or dimensions in poetry.