At the heart of the Japanese style in the interior apartments are simple, concise form of furniture, the rejection of superfluous decoration and plenty of space. According to a person of Japanese culture, one flower in a vase on the table – it is quite rather, there should be no overload and attention to be intrusive. Straight clean lines, the minimum number of things – the essence of space is the emptiness that fills it, believe in Japan. And at the same time Japanese interior design is very important to reflect its innuendo, incomplete. In the aesthetics of this culture there is even such a concept (or term) as' yugen ", which stands for craftsmanship and a hint of understatement. Also, however, should be avoided so familiar to Europeans symmetry. Symmetry implies the completeness and perfection, but it is not, believe Japanese people, in the world there is nothing permanent, and its main feature – it's immediacy.

Without a doubt, a Japanese-style interior of the apartment (and not just an apartment – any space) is much more depth and philosophy than any other. It encourages contemplation, making the house quiet and serenity, promotes regularity and sophistication. Great importance in this interior is light, it is here that we can fully reflect the variability and innuendo. It is believed that the coverage of a Japanese home – is Light moonlight, not sunlight, hence the muted and the chamber interior. Particular attention should be paid to the colors and their combinations.