Monthly Archives: September 2018

The company ten Brinke realized in Kettwig housing a construction project of a special kind. Kettwig 19.04.2012. Citizens wondering for some time what it labeled here is what”at the shop on the ring road. In the rooms at the Central Kettwiger traffic intersection of Ruhr Valley Road, main street and Graf-Zeppelin-Strasse an own information and Marketing Office Open housing ten Brinke soon for his construction projects on the Ruhr. The modern office coffee shop will act in the next few years as a meeting place for all those interested. Ten Brinke housing has Markmann & minor acquired land. Rather than a snapshot, the company has designed a lot of value to realize a building project that is aligned and actually need-oriented planned to man and nature. In close cooperation with the city and creative partners, an innovative design concept for the cream plot on the Ruhr is currently created by ten Brinke.

We look forward soon “to be able to introduce the citizens our ideas and are sure to provide a streamlined on the legs that will delight all”, so Sylvia Reddmann, authorized representative ten Brinke Wohnungsbau GmbH & co. KG. What is planned, still will not give the company. But is that a loose construction is realized with exclusive detached houses, semi-detached houses, townhouses as apartments for all age structures here. Ten Brinke is committed to, to create a natural, high-quality and decent Ruhr home that is closely based on the needs of new and old residents for future residents on this site the goal as a real estate company. The preparing and the development are currently prepared and planned. Target is to start implementing in the summer months. It will be so curious: here what’s happening!

Metropolitan Berlin

By the fact that the funds invest in at least 15 objects, this concept offers a unique opportunity of the dispersion of real estate. For fund investors, yields are expected from 7% to 12% after all costs. Hurdle rate for PROJECT profit participation by 8 to 12 per cent of the economic success of our raised so far our system is confirmed funds set up. Our confidence in the success of our concept of development is very high, which is why we have raised the hurdle rate at the object level by 8 to 12 per cent. Only when above and beyond winning a proportion flows up to one-fifth, on the management of PROJECT”, so Wolfgang Dippold, managing partner of the PROJECT Fund group. PROJECT funds waive consistently financing at all levels, which is why the investors through the lastenfreie land of the objects are secured to exclude all risks associated with financing. But other provisions to stabilize the PROJECT funds: these are the waiver of interim profit of the initiator object purchasing, clearly fixed investment criteria in the object selection, diversification of the Fund’s capital in at least 15 objects per Fund and the specialization in the five Metropolitan Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Nuremberg and Munich. More flexibility for investors more than ever has PROJECT in Fund designing the new real values Fund 11 12 taking into account the needs of investors.

So it was not only reporting improved reports from half-yearly to quarterly published Fund, but introduced an additional special termination option in defined emergency situations. Unemployment, disability, divorce, inheritance and finding an only short further life expectancy investors can access in advance its capital employed. In addition, possibility now at one time installation a general notice after the 5th year. Also running costs to the part were reduced, expanded audit on all levels as well as the sum of imprisonment reduced to one percent. The responsible of the PROJECT real estate group have altogether a real estate amounting to over EUR 800 million successfully developed, including about 4,000 apartments, over 500 townhouses and single-family homes and over 30 commercial. For PROJECT funds, no single object was negative completed throughout the period.

Good House Projects

Plant a tree, raise a child and build a house. This proverb is known from ancient times, it's always been a measure of a successful person who was able to live a life full of both do much! Whatever you say, the problem is not easy, what's your kid grow up, what you will have a house, and how they will think of you people in the future. Building a house is a very responsible and hard work. A house should reflect the spirit and character of its owner, it must be convenient and practical, but it should be reliable and strong, stood to more than one decade, reminding people about you, as a great man, not giving a crack in the foundation two years later. Key to successful construction of this Quality project your future home! Why house projects? Firstly, it gives an opportunity to clearly present what you see on the construction, and will guarantee that you will not incur additional costs related not provided inadvertently circumstances.

Secondly, the projects at home or cottage projects will, if necessary, to prove that all disasters have occurred through the fault of the builders, and not because of incorrect calculation of loads and the thickness of the walls or selecting a building material. Of course, the house projects and need to do to get permission to build a country house. So, where you can take a project home? The project can be ordered in an architectural office or take the finished model project at home or cottage with its subsequent adaptation. Unfortunately the creation of individual project, is very expensive. Now the west is very spread is the second way – buying a typical project home or cottage. What advantages does it give? You save your money, you will have confidence in the house, since such projects are time-tested, and Also, you can really look at your future home, peering into the living room, looking interior kitchen, etc. How to choose a project of his house? On it you can read more on the site At the same site you can acquainted with a large selection of typical suburban home projects, projects of cottages, will be able to pick the most suitable for you, which will satisfy all your personal needs. In this online store you can buy ready-made house designs created by the best architects in Russia and Europe. We wish you a successful construction of a country house, let your future generation remember as a man who lived life is not pointless!

Investment Funded Housing Co-Ops

However, with this comes the risk of stopping the construction of which entirely at the shareholders. In order to reduce this risk, and protection of shareholders, at the legislative level have been limited to investment-funded housing co-operatives in the new buildings – at 20% of the mutual fund of the cooperative. In To improve reliability and exceptional risks of unwanted program "Housing Step" allows you to purchase only the unfinished housing, which may be issued in the property or real estate in the secondary market. So way, participants are protected from failure of unfinished and deadlines objects. Number 6 in the co-op shareholders on the storage stage does not receive any benefits, except promises of the loan.

Shareholders do not receive income of money invested, which by virtue of inflation permanently impaired. The members of the cooperative are required to regularly pay the membership fees rather big. In the program "Housing move 'buyer-tenant as a party under accumulation, is able to benefit live in the apartment and, accordingly, solves its housing problem. The program "Housing move" has no entrance, membership, shares, fees and commissions. Amount and timing Program participant fees, speaking Purchaser shall itself determine the basis of their abilities. Making parallels can be seen as defective, as compared with the program "Housing step" position of the shareholder to the cooperative stage of accumulation funds, where he receives nothing in return on investment and still required to make regular tangible membership fees. The program participant under accumulation (buyer-tenant) pays no membership fees and income from the investment pays for most of the cost of living in an apartment.

Facade Insulation Systems

Cold winters in Russia – the usual thing. Every villager knows that the more natoplena oven, the heat in the house. But citizens are often faced with the phenomenon, breaking the usual view: hot battery, and flat cold. The reason – a large heat loss through exterior walls due to their low thermal resistance, as in high-rise building construction materials used, thermal resistance which is significantly lower than that of wood. For example, say that the thermal resistance of walls made of pine and spruce thickness 0.15 mm to 1.4 times higher than the masonry thickness 0.51 m.

The value of thermal resistance depends on other important characteristic walling – heat resistance. Thermal stability characterizes their property to resist the extremes of outdoor temperature. Increase the heat resistance of frame structures for possible by increasing their thermal resistance. Given the great length of the heating season in many regions of Russia, as well as rising energy prices, the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation has made changes in snip II-3-79 'Building Heat Engineering' according to which the total thermal resistance of frame structures for the reconstructed and newly constructed buildings should be, for example, Moscow is not less than 3.2 m x C / watt. This means that the drop in temperature passage through the building envelope heat flux density equal to one, must be not less than 3.2 deg. C. Compliance with this requirement by increasing the thickness of the walling is almost impossible: the thickness of the walls of reinforced concrete must be at least 6 m, and from solid brick – not less than 2,3 m.